在英语中,什么是独立组合结构? 您所在的位置:网站首页 in deep sorrow 在英语中,什么是独立组合结构?


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Feb03在英语中,什么是独立组合结构?时间:2020/02/03 13:30 | 分类:知识大全






独立主格就是没有谓语的“句子”。如: School over, we went home.(本应该是:When school was over, we went home. 但 去掉when 和was 之后就是独立主格啦)

contrary to是独立组合结构吗?独立组合结构有哪些?举些例子好吗?

be contrary to与....相反;与....相悖你问得不清楚耶。你是不是指“独立主格结构”?英语中哪有什么“独立组合结构”?!contrary to引导的句子不是独立主格结构。例如:Contrary to our expectations, he was the man who stole our dormitory.我们怎么也想不到,他就是偷我们寝室的人。关于独立主格结构方面的知识,你可以参阅百度百科对它的讲解,很好的,比我这里三言两语的讲好多了。地址::baike.baidu./view/145.htm


1.时间允许,我讲把所有的英语单词再复习一遍Time permitting, I'll go over all the new words.2.房子漆成白色,我们更喜欢。The house painted white, I like it better.


独立主格独立主格 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~独立主格结构(一):独立主格的概念“独立主格结构”是由名词或代词作为逻辑主语,加上分词、形容词、副词、动词不定式或介词短语作为逻辑谓语构成。这种结构在形式上与主句没有关系,通常称为“独立主格结构”。(二):独立主格的功能“独立主格结构”实质就是带有自己主语的非限定状语从句。众所周知非限定性从句通常以主句的某一成分作为自己的逻辑主语,从而依附于主句。而有些非限定性从句和无动词从句带有自己的主语,在结构上与主句不 ... ,因此成为独立主格结构。其实,虽然叫做独立主格结构,并不是真正的独立,它还是一种从属分句,在句中有多种作用。如:表原因、表条件、表方式、表伴随、表时间等,在句中通常起状语作用。(三): 独立主格结构的构成:名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词;名词(代词)+形容词;名词(代词)+副词;名词(代词)+不定式;名词(代词) +介词短语构成。(四) 独立主格结构的特点:(1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。举例:The test finished, we began our holiday.= When the test was finished, we began our holiday.考试结束了,我们开始放假。The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.= After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.总统被谋 ... 了,举国上下沉浸在悲哀之中。Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。This done, we went home.工作完成后,我们才回家。The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier.会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。He came into the room, his ears red with cold.他回到了房子里,耳朵冻坏了。He came out of the library, a large book under his arm.他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆2. With的复合结构作独立主格表伴随时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构。with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语举例: He stood there, his hand raised.= He stood there, with his hand raised【raising亦可】.典型例题The murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied答案D. with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词"手"与分词"绑"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D.注意:1) 独立主格结构使用介词的问题:当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词),也不用复数。但 with 的复合结构不受此限制A robber burst into the room, knife in hand.( hand前不能加his)。2) 当表人体部位的词做逻辑主语时,及物动词用现在分 词,不及物动词用过去分词。He lay there, his teeth set, his hand clenched, his eyes looking straight up.典型例题:Weather___, we'll go out for a walk.A permitted B permitting C permits D for permitting答案B. 本题中没有连词,它不是复合句,也不是并列句。 句中使用了逗号,且we 小写,可知其不是两个简单句。能够这样使用的只有独立主格或with的复合结构。据此判断,本句中使用的是独立结构, 其结构为:名词+分词。 由于permit在这里翻译为'天气允许',表主动,应用现在分词,故选B。如果不会判断独立结构作状语的形式,不妨将句子改为条件句,例如本句改为If weather permits, we'll go out for a walk. 然后将if 去掉,再将谓语动词改为非谓语动词即可。


独立主格一、 独立主格结构的含义和实质“独立主格结构”(absolute construction)又叫“独立结构”,是带有自己主语的非谓语动词分句和无动词分句。由于在语法上有自己的逻辑主语,结构上与主句不 ... ,因此传统语法叫做“独立主格结构”。其实,所谓“独立主格结构”并非真正独立,它还是一种从属分句,与主句紧密联络在一起,共同表达一个完整的意思,通常在句中起状语分句的作用。独立主格结构可放于句首、句尾,用逗号和主句隔开。二、 独立主格结构的基本形式和功能独立主格结构可以分为两部分:一部分是名词或代词,起逻辑主语的作用;另一部分是非谓语动词分句(现在分词、过去分词、不定式)或无动词分句(名词、形容词、副词、介词短语),表示前面名词或代词的动作或状态。基本形式是:名词普通格/代词主格+现在分词/过去分词/不定式/名词/形容词/副词/介词短语,with引导的复合结构。1. 名词/代词+ 现在分词现在分词表示前面的名词或代词主动进行的动作或状态等。例 The man lay there, his hands trembling.So many students being absent, the meeting had to be put off.His homework having been done, Tom went to sleep.注:“独立结构”中的being或 having been 有时可以省去,这样就成了无动词分句或过去分词分句。2. 名词/代词+过去分词过去分词表示前面的名词或代词被动完成的动作或所处的一种状态。例 The boy lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.The job not finished, we couldn’t see the film.Her shirt caught on a nail, she could not move.后面两个句子也可以看成省略掉了having been,being。如果加上,这两个句子就又变成了现在分词分句。3. 名词/代词+不定式不定式表示的是将来的动作。例He suggested going for a piic, Mary to provide the food.These are the first o books, the third one to e out next month.We shall get together at 7:30, the procession( ... ) to start moving at 8 sharp.4. 名词/代词+名词名词一般做前面名词或代词的同位语。例 Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children.He fought the tiger,a stick his only weapon.5. 名词/代词+形容词短语形容词(短语)说明前面名词或代词的性质,状态,原因等。例The floor wet and slippery, we had to stay outside for a while.I heard that she got injured in the aident, my heart full of sorry.这两个句子也可以看成是省略了being,如果加上,就变成了现在分词分句。6. 名词/代词+副词副词说明前面名词或代词的状态。例 The meeting over, we all went home.Nobody in, he left a message on the board.He sat at the table, head down.7. 名词/代词+介词短语介词短语说明伴随前面名词或代词的方式或者状态。例 The teacher came in, a book under his arm.The hunter entered the forest, gun in hand.Nobody at home, the thief took a lot of things away.8. with引导的复合结构, 也可以认为是一种独立主格结构例 A woman got on the bus with a baby around her arms.The teacher came in with several students following behind.With a lot of things to deal with, he will have a difficult time.With the work done, he went out to eat.He left the office with the lights on.Mary rushed out of the house with the door open.


名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词;名词(代词)+形容词;名词(代词)+副词;名词(代词)+不定式;名词(代词) +介词短语构成。1.名词+介词短语1)The mayor of Hiroshima strode at a leisure pace toward the puzzled journalist,a bunch of flowers in his hands.(广岛市市长双手捧著一束鲜花,迈著方步走向那个迷惑不解的记者。)2)Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the ramshackle house,a vast load of firewood on her back.(每天下午,一个揹著一大背柴禾的老妇人都会从那间东倒西歪的房屋前蹒跚著走过。)2.名词+形容词(短语)1)The Trojans asleep,the Greek soldiers crept out of the hollow wooden horse.(特洛伊人睡着了,于是希腊士兵从中空的木马里悄悄爬了出来。)2)The wretched boy,who has recently been dragged from the forest to scrub floors in the barracks,is now sweeping away the snow,his hands numb with cold.(那个可怜的小男孩最近刚刚从森林中被抓进兵营里打扫地板,现在他正在扫雪,手都冻麻了。)3.名词+副词1)This little excitement over,noth- ing was to be done but to return to a steadfast gaze at my mute panion.(一阵小小的兴奋过后,除了再去死死地盯着我的哑伴外,别无它事可干了。)2)This intermezzo over,he found himself surrounded by several stunning,porcelain-faced Japanese women in kimonos.(这曲子过后,他发现自己身处几位穿着和服并且有着娇好面容的日本女人的包围之中。)此外,with常常用在独立主格结构前,构成介词短语作状语。这种用法中的with不表达什么意义,因而常可省略。请看例句:1)With a revolver in his right hand, Johnny hurled his muscular body against the door and ... ashed it down with a crash.(约翰尼右手拿着 ... ... ,健壮的身体猛扑在门上,轰隆一声把门撞开了。)2)The traffic inched along,with horns honking.(汽车缓慢地向前挪著,喇叭声不断响着。)


英语介词是英语中用以表明词与词或片语间关系的语法结构性词类,其用法主要是将名词性词或片语置于所修饰或说明的句子成分之后,以表明该介词前后句子成分语义关系。英语介词(preposition 缩写为 prep.)是英语中非常重要的语法型结构词类。尽管英语介词在句中是一个不能单独作句子成分用的“小词”(许多介词都只有两三个字母),但它却是含有实际词义并表明修饰和被修饰句子成分之间语义关系的“大词”(错误地使用或理解会造成语义上的南辕北辙)。英语介词后面紧跟着的次或片语属名词性词类,即名词、代词或动名词,与前面的介词构成介词片语。这些置于介词之后的名词性词或片语在语法上称作“介词宾语”。顾名思义,这些词是和动词的宾语受制于动词一样,受介词制约。因此,如果使用代词作介词的宾语,必须是代词的宾格形式。介词片语在句中通常用作作状语,表语,后置定语或补语等。介词词义可以分为时间介词、地点介词、方式介词、原因介词、数量介词等等。

英语中 “独立结构” 是不是就是“ 独立主格”?









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